Thursday, March 7, 2013

Unmistakable Impact—The role of the Principal, Chapter 3

How will you have an impact school?  According to research shared by Jim Knight in chapter 3 of Unmistakable Impact on page 50, “in every work setting, people are most concerned by the person they report to directly.”  Knight states: “if a school is going to be an Impact School, the principal must roll up her sleeves and be at the heart of the professional learning…”  In other words, if it isn’t important to the principal then it most likely will not happen.

                What can the principal do then to make sure he or she has an Impact School?   Knight suggests that principals should do the following:

·         Take part in a partnership approach with the faculty.

·         Provide or design opportunities for professional learning that will make an impact.

·         Guide the development of an Instructional Improvement Target which will focus all the professional development opportunities.

·         Learn and gain a deep knowledge of what effective instruction will look like.

·         Make sure they are walking the talk by learning themselves

·         Make sure central office supports the vision of the instructional target.


  1. Shannon, I will use your ideas of the principal taking a partnership approach with the faculty and design opportunities for professional development that will make an impact in my suggestions for dealing with diversity. It is very important that faculty have the support of the principal when attempting to make an impact with all families and all students. Thank you.

  2. The principal is key! Up until this year, we had a principal that totally supported technology integration. Anything we asked for, he got for us. When I suggested doing technology training, he made time for it. This year,our new principal does not care. I have offered to do after school training, workshops, etc. especially since we have gone 1:1 with technology, but she would rather have our time spent learning the Pearson text books. Many teachers have complained and asked for more technology training, but for whatever reason, she does not want it, or it is not a priority.

  3. Our new principal this year does not support technology training. I have offered to do workshops, after school training etc. She is training us on the Pearson curriculum. Although we went 1:1 this year for technology and many teachers have asked for technology training, it is not her priority. It is very frustrating to many of us to hear the publisher's way of doing things.
